PNW Photo of the Week – Mount St Helens

Last week I shared an image of the local volcano. Mount Baker stands to the east of Bellingham, and can be seen on clear days between the trees. It is a very large and beautiful mountain.But there is another volcano to the south. One that erupted very recently, well, recent in geologic terms.I am talking about Mount St. Helens. Recently, the family and I took a trip down to Astoria, OR for our 13th wedding anniversary. On the way back home we took a little side trip to see this giant.It’s hard to summarize this amazing landscape. Even the picture does not do the real thing justice. Truly, if at all possible, you must go and see this wonder yourself.It is an experience standing in, what was, the blast zone and seeing the never ending fields of new life. Streams cut deep gashes across the land and flowers are everywhere.Approaching the viewpoint you drive through forest covered mountains. But as you arrive, the trees disappear. They were all incinerated and/or blow down by the eruption in 1980.This national monument is reminder of the awesome power beneath our feet, moving continents, creating mountain ranges and islands, and causing destruction.I give you:

Mount St. Helens

Mount Saint Helens, the volcano which erupted in 1980