Tag: landscape

  • PNW Photo of the Week – Mount St Helens

    Last week I shared an image of the local volcano. Mount Baker stands to the east of Bellingham, and can be seen on clear days between the trees. It is a very large and beautiful mountain.But there is another volcano to the south. One that erupted very recently, well, recent in geologic terms.I am talking…

  • PNW Photo of the Week – Mount Baker

    Yay! It’s time for another Pacific North West Photo of the Week!I’m excited. How about you?I hope you’ve been liking the black and white photos, because this week, I have one more for you.This week I bring you… Mount Baker I shoot digital, so all of my images are initially in color. This gives me…

  • PNW Photo of the Week – Misty Mountains

    It’s time for yet another Pacific North West Photo of the Week! I hope you’re as excited as I am. This image came out amazing. I call it Misty Mountains in the Distance with San Juan Islands and Sail Boat.The BackgroundThis is another shot I took out on the whale watching tour with the family. We…