Category: Photography

  • 2018: A Review

    2018 has been an eventful year for my family and I. Subsequently, now that it’s coming to a close, I wanted to reflect on some of my family, hiking, and writing adventures. Family Adventures! My wife’s, favorite place to visit is the Pacific Coast. Whenever we can, we like to take little weekend trips to…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Sunglasses Lakes!

    Here is another shot from that hike up Winchester Mountain. These are the Twin Lakes. From the top of Winchester they look like a pair of sunglasses. My car is parked in the lot between those two lakes.

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Mt. Larrabee

    Here is another hiking shot from the end of the fall hiking season up hear in Washington State. It was only a few weeks after this shot was taken when the snow rolled in, making many hikes in my area unreachable with my vehicle. I do not have 4 wheel drive.This is Mt Larrabee as…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – You Schmuck

    This week I figured I’d share something a little different for my Photo of the Week. Living in the Pacific North West as many perks; and one of them is only being hours away from where The Goonies was filmed!Name that scene!Here are my wife and son standing outside of the jail, which a film…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year! I wanted to start this year off with a bang and share my very favorite recent shot. This was taken a couple months back at a night photography workshop I attended.The white light is a fellow photographer’s headlamp. All of the red light is also from the other photographer’s head lamps. I…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Tiny Mushrooms

    It’s time for another photo of the week!And I give to you, another awesome mushroom photo!This one my son helped me take after a couple hours in on a hike. We set up the tripod for the only time of the whole day out, and got out the remote trigger in order to keep the…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Big Mushroom!

    How is everybody doing out there in the world?I hope well. If not, this should cheer you up. Here’s this week’s Photo of the Week! This time I bring you a shot I took on a little mushroom photo tour with a local photography group. It was tons of fun, even though it was raining…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Back Trail Waterfall

    Guess what time it is…Its Joe’s Photo of the Week time!Yeah!And this time I have a wonderful shot for you from the first time I hiked Heliotrope Ridge. After the first major creek crossing, the trail goes up and up steeply for a ways, following the creek you just crossed upstream. After a bit you…

  • Hiking Winchester Mountain

    A month or so ago I tried out a new hike in the area. Winchester Mountain This was about a 2 mile out a back trail that takes you up to the peak of Winchester Mountain. On this peak sits an old, refurbished, fire lookout.The trail itself isn’t too difficult. It’s all up, but it’s…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Branch and Mountain

    It’s time for, yet another, Joe’s Photo of the Week!This week I give you a picture with it’s focus flopped around. Usually, picturesque mountains in photographs are the center of attention, but in this shot I wanted to blur out the background mountain and put your full attention on the evergreen branch floating in front.