Tag: hiking

  • Onward! Goals for 2019



    First of all, Happy New Year to all of you out there on the wild internets. 2018 has ended and 2019 is only beginning. And so, without further distraction, I want to share a succinct list of my goals for the new year. Improve my writing. I will actively continue seeking out and practicing ways…

  • 2018: A Review

    2018 has been an eventful year for my family and I. Subsequently, now that it’s coming to a close, I wanted to reflect on some of my family, hiking, and writing adventures. Family Adventures! My wife’s, favorite place to visit is the Pacific Coast. Whenever we can, we like to take little weekend trips to…

  • The Update – August 2018

    Last month’s update feels like it was a lifetime ago. July was such a ridiculously busy month. Here are a few things that went down: I turned 35 Weekend trip to the coast for our 14th anniversary Failed at finishing Camp Nanowrimo Did the next round of edits for the Village Books Anthology Slipped into…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Sunglasses Lakes!

    Here is another shot from that hike up Winchester Mountain. These are the Twin Lakes. From the top of Winchester they look like a pair of sunglasses. My car is parked in the lot between those two lakes.

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Back Trail Waterfall

    Guess what time it is…Its Joe’s Photo of the Week time!Yeah!And this time I have a wonderful shot for you from the first time I hiked Heliotrope Ridge. After the first major creek crossing, the trail goes up and up steeply for a ways, following the creek you just crossed upstream. After a bit you…

  • Hiking Winchester Mountain

    A month or so ago I tried out a new hike in the area. Winchester Mountain This was about a 2 mile out a back trail that takes you up to the peak of Winchester Mountain. On this peak sits an old, refurbished, fire lookout.The trail itself isn’t too difficult. It’s all up, but it’s…

  • Hiking the Heliotrope Ridge Trail

    A Hike up for Glacial Views Hiking the Heliotrope Ridge Trail in the North Cascades. As an Okie, seeing a glacier was not something I was likely to see without traveling very very far. Even seeing substantial mountains in Oklahoma was not a real possibility. There were the Wichita Mountains down near Lawton but they…

  • PNW Photo of the Week – Raptor Ridge Trail

    From here in Bellingham I have access to a lot of amazing hiking trails. Just over an hour east and there are trails crawling over the North Cascades surrounding Mt. Baker. But there are also trails right here in and around the city of Bellingham.A large system of trails called North Chuckanut Trail System borders…