January Stuff From the Internet!

It’s time for this month’s collections of cool stuff I’ve come across on the internet.

Modern History of Horror and Weird Fiction

First up this month is an essay on the history of modern horror and weird fiction written by my very favorite author: Laird Barron. Laird has been a driving influence in the genre of horror and weird fiction for the past decade. Be sure to check out his thoughts on how the genre has come to where it is today:https://lairdbarron.wordpress.com/2017/12/21/the-black-barony-1/

The World For Millenials

It is easy for folks of previous generations to poke fun at us millenials. Us and our coffees and artisan firewood.But it’s not all sunshine and avocados, those previous generations have left behind a world that is not conducive to success for us and following generations. This next article is a very long read, but it is well researched, and the graphics are amazing. Give it a read:Millenials Are Screwedhttp://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/poor-millennials/

Family For Hire

One of my favorite email subscriptions is the eNewsletter Glitchet. Every week I get a shot of news from around the internet relating to all things cyber and scary. A recent issue did not disappoint when it give me this gem:The Booming Japanese Rent-a-Friend Business – https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/11/paying-for-fake-friends-and-family/545060/This article was genuinely disturbing. In it they interview a man working for a company that rents out actors to pretend to be family or friends. In one of the examples the actor is in a long term contract to act as a father to a child who’s real father abandoned them early on. For years this actor is being paid to show up daily and act as a father to this child. This is so horrifying to me. As the actor, what do you do when the child is old enough to start figuring things out? Think on that for awhile.

Well, I think that is all for this month. I’ll scrounge up some more goodies for next time.