Tag: links

  • February Crazy Awesome Stuff from the Internet!

    It's that time again. What time? Time for crazy awesome stuff from around the internet! This is the post where I share with you three ultra interesting things I've come across online in the past month The Links! First up I give you a reminder of why the internet and technology is ultra scary. Meltdown…

  • January Stuff From the Internet!

    It’s time for this month’s collections of cool stuff I’ve come across on the internet. Modern History of Horror and Weird Fiction First up this month is an essay on the history of modern horror and weird fiction written by my very favorite author: Laird Barron. Laird has been a driving influence in the genre…

  • Awesome Stuff from the Internet – December Edition

    This month’s first thing from the world wide web is something that has helped my productivity in both my day job and my writing. Tomighty! http://tomighty.org/I know I listed this last time, but it really is that awesome, and has had a major influence on my own productivity.This is just a simple timer. The idea…

  • Cool Stuff From the Internet: November Edition

    It’s time for a brand new type of blog post for me. I wanted to share with you some things I’ve found useful on the internet. There is no set topic, just whatever I decide to share.Enjoy! The Links:   This is Horror Podcast First, I would like to recommend an awesome podcast for horror…