PNW Photo of the Week July 10, 2017 – Forest View

It’s time for the third installment of my Pacific North West Photo of the Week! Not every shot needs to be of a sweeping landscape with a forest, mountains, and grandiose vistas. Sometimes we need to look up close at the things around us in order to fully appreciate our setting.This week I present an image to you that is not a full forest. It is, instead only a tiny detail of one tree. This shot I call Forest View.

The Details

After finishing up a little photo walk through a local park I noticed how the light was catching just a tiny bit of some branches. I love how the colors interacted with the center of the scene and how the light pulls your eye to each of the little bright points at the ends of the branches.This image shows how even at the lowest level the leaves of a tree are a forest in itself. On each level deeper and closer you get to a subject, the more the subject will reveal to you. Sometimes I have to remind myself of this when I feel that I’ve exhausted all possible ways to capture a setting.So remember, don’t forget to get down and look closely at the most mundane things. You never know what will be revealed to you.Of course, you can see evergreen trees anywhere, but this image is representative of the area I live in. There are so many trees everywhere here, including many evergreens of different types. I am sure that, in the future, I will post some pictures of other local trees.Next week I’ll post something a bit different though.A closeup look of scaley pine leaves.If you like this image be sure to go back and check out past installments of the PNW Photo of the Week.