Tag: short story

  • 20 Short Stories That Inform and Influence My Fiction

    Occasionally, someone will ask me what stories and authors influence my writing. That is a difficult question. Really, everything a writer reads in some way influences our writing. It all pushes or pulls our work in some direction. When I read a story that doesn’t work for me, I learn that I should not attempt…

  • Preview for December Patron Story: The Pigeon Lied – Part 2

    Howdy!It’s almost that time again. Time for another Patron exclusive story! And here, to entice you to consider becoming a $3+ patron, is a sample from next month’s story.This is part two of my current short story in progress: The Pigeon Lied. In it, Rob is a small time thief involved with the Hell-adjacent criminal…

  • The Update – September

    Wow, my blogging habit is really dropping off. But I’m okay with that. If only there were another few hours in the day.But enough on that. Let me fill you in on the latest of stuff and things!First, some exciting news. I’ve collected a few rejections on a couple stories recently. But I didn’t let…

  • April 2019 Patron Story Preview – Colossus Rising

    It is almost time again for another short story to be set loose upon my amazing Patrons. For those of you who need a taste of next month’s bite of horror, here is a little sample of my April 2019 patron story, ‘Colossus Rising’. This story is for a speculative fiction anthology some friends and…

  • January Writer Update

    Happy New Year! New Groups Since last time I’ve joined a little writer group. Once or twice a week we get together and just write. It’s a wonderful group of fun writer folks, most of whom I met going to write-ins during NaNoWriMo.I’m thinking about trying out another local writer workshop group as well. I…

  • Halloween Fiction – Girl in the Woods

    It’s the absolute best time of year. Halloween!This is the time of year when scary stories flood from every fount and bring me happiness.In celebration of this joyful time I’m adding my own entry to the fount of internet scary stories. It was supposed to be flash fiction (meaning 1000 words or less), but I…