Tag: review

  • Joe Reviews: Black Hammer Vol 3 – Age of Doom part 1

    If you are looking for comic series that is different from everything else out there, then look no further. Black Hammer is a title worth reading. I think this series and possible spin offs could be Dark Horse’s new feature title, after Hellboy.Jeff Lemire has created characters that are reminiscent of other super hero comic…

  • My Top 7 Books of 2018

    I read a grand total of 75 books this year. Some were good, others were bad, and a few were amazing. Here is a list of my top 7 books that I read in 2018.  Swift to Chase – by Laird BarronLaird Barron is one of my favorite authors. Over the past ten years since…

  • {Book Review} Swift to Chase by Laird Barron

    Before we get into this review I need to let you in on a little secret. Are you ready? Here it is. I may be a bit biased when it comes to works by Laird Barron. There is a bit of history behind this bias. I first came across Laird Barron about a decade ago.…

  • {Review} – The Fisherman by John Langan

    Synopsis In upstate New York, in the woods around Woodstock, Dutchman's Creek flows out of the Ashokan Reservoir. Steep-banked, fast moving, it offers the promise of fine fishing, and of something more, a possibility too fantastic to be true. When Abe and Dan, two widowers who have found solace in each other's company and a…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 4: The Mist

    Today I am sharing my thoughts on The Mist, a novella originally collected in his Skeleton Crew short story collection. If you haven't already, be sure to read the previous posts in this series. Part 1: Dark Tower: The Movie Part 2: The Gunslinger Part 3: The Talisman Summary From the back cover: It's a…

  • Book Review: Experimental Film – by Gemma Files

    I love a horror story with a nice slow burning, bone grinding plot. Some stories attempt this and utterly fail. But some do pull it off, the dread builds layer by layer drawing you deeper and deeper into the glorious bleakness.I just finished reading one such novel that accomplished this task of unstoppable yet addictive…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 3: The Talisman

    Be sure to check out the previous posts in this series: Part 1: The Movie Part 2: The Gunslinger Are you ready for the next installment of the Great Dark Tower Re-Read? Right here and now?! (The words echo across the vast plain before you and bounce back from the granite cliffs in the distance.…

  • Book Review: Brotherhood of the Wheel

    So, I just finished reading this very interesting horror novel by R. S. Blecher: The Brotherhood of the Wheel.What’s it about? Well, way back in the olden days, the Knights Templar Order took it upon themselves to protect the peoples traveling the road to Jerusalem. Since than the order has changed and now protects the…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 2: The Gunslinger

    Part 1: The MovieI have fond memories of reading The Gunslinger way back in college. It was one of the first books I read for myself after a very long break from reading for my own enjoyment. AP English courses in high school had killed any interest I had in reading. There was too much…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 1: The Movie

    Hello people and porpoises of all the world’s proliferated provinces.Today, I have something new for you. I’m going to write a movie review. But not just for any movie.I remember way back in high-school getting the first glimpse of behind the scenes footage of the brand new Lord of the Rings movie. This was a…