Cool Stuff From the Internet: November Edition

It’s time for a brand new type of blog post for me. I wanted to share with you some things I’ve found useful on the internet. There is no set topic, just whatever I decide to share.Enjoy!

The Links:


This is Horror Podcast

First, I would like to recommend an awesome podcast for horror writers: This is Horror put out an author interview every week or so, along with book reviews, and general horror lit news. Check them out!

Tomato Timer

Next I present is just a simple timer that runs in the browser to help you be more productive through the Pomodoro Technique.

Slick Write

Next is a tool I use for much of my writing. It’s an awesome freebie that will help you fix common mistakes in your writing. For example, over use of passive voice, repeated words and phrases, and more:!home

Super Scary Reddit Story

I know that you are getting too much sleep, and so I bring to you a series of posts on Reddit that will gift you with sleepless nights:Here is an awesome aggregation of many free online writing tutorials


Last, but not least, here is a huge list of tips for perfecting your pour over or chemex coffee brewing methods. I’ve tried a few different suggestions from here, and have definitely improved the taste of my coffee.