Awesome Stuff from the Internet – December Edition

This month’s first thing from the world wide web is something that has helped my productivity in both my day job and my writing.

Tomighty! know I listed this last time, but it really is that awesome, and has had a major influence on my own productivity.This is just a simple timer. The idea is that you can force yourself to do something for 25 minutes. And once you’ve done that, what’s another 25 minutes? Plus Tomato! This is an oversimplified explanation of the Pomodoro productivity technique.Go here if you’d like to learn more: here if you’d like to learn more: 

Skyrocket Your Daily Word Count

Last month, during NaNoWriMo, someone mentioned an awesome article in the forums. (Thanks Corey!) In it Rachel Aaron talks about how she went from 2,000 words a day to 10,000 words a day. I know, this sounds insane. But she has some great points. I’m trying to apply some of them to my own writing routine. Sitting down and thinking through what I plan to write before starting a writing session really does help.–Do you have any tools or tricks that you use to stay productive?