I’m sure you’ve all been wondering: Why’s my blog gotten so quiet?. Well, there are a couple reasons.
I’ve started a 16 week intensive writing course on Contemporary Dark Fiction. This has taken over a substantial amount of my time outside of my day job. I’m enjoying it though. Afterward I’ll have a handful of new short stories and some new tools in my writer’s toolbox.
The second reason? I just can’t keep up with the post-a-week pace anymore. I’d rather just publish a post whenever I get the itch. And spend that time hanging out with my family and working on new fiction.
In other news!
It looks like I’ll have my first paid published short story this year. I can’t share many details yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I can.
Also, I still have my newsletter going. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to hear about my writing projects and exciting happenings. Follow along as I achieve my goals for 2020.
Oh, and don’t forget: You Rock!
You Rock written on a picnic table with little painted fish