The Update – October 2018



 It has been yet another month. Time is slipping by faster and faster as I get older. It seems like, as the months pass, minutes and hours are robbed from my life leaving me with only the scraps to try and fill with the multitude of tasks I want to accomplish.

This past month has not been the most prodigious for me, at least not for my writing. I did make a little progress on a short story I’m working on, but nothing else. I need to get the first draft of that story wrapped up so I can start prepping for NaNoWriMo. It is only a month away, I want to come to it more prepared than I did last time.

Last year I went in expecting to attempt a handful of short stories with only a few notes on each going in. I ended up using one of them and turning it into a whole novel, and, because I was unprepared to do so, the end result was a draft I don’t think I’ll ever use. This time I will just do a novel and go in with my characters and setting fleshed out as well as have a rough outline started. I really want to have something I can use by the end of November.

That being said, I’d love it if I had to the time this month to take on a couple other tasks as well. I have a handful of  short stories with feedback that are ready for my next draft. I keep putting them off because of other ideas and projects that come up. Hopefully I’ll have some time this month to work on one of them.

I also want to spend some time thinking on how to resurrect my Patreon page, now that I have a smattering of content I can share. I’m still doing research on what to do there. So far I’m thinking about having three tiers. There would be a $1 support tier with no real perks other than the fuzzy happy feeling of supporting art. There will be a story tier where you will get a 1000 word or so story every month, and a slightly higher one where I may offer audio readings of my stories.

I’m also playing around with ideas about some sort of genre web-zine I’d love to lead, but that is not something I can do on my own.

I think that is all I have for this update. If you have any ideas for what sorts of things you’d love to see on my Patreon page, please let me know.
