Tag: nanowrimo

  • Halloween 2019 – The Update!

    Howdy! It is officially the best time of year: Halloween! I love it when all of my social feeds get flooded with awesome spooky content.So what’s going on with me? Well, a few things. Patreon Adventures Yes. I still have a Patreon. If you have a mighty need for more stupefying fiction, that is the…

  • The Update: November 2018

    Happy NaNoWriMo! It has been a year since the last mad scramble to complete a full 50k word novel, and I’m giving it another go this year. I’m excited for the project I’m taking on, I’m going in with an outline in hopes of having something worth refining once crossing the finish line. This November…

  • The Update – October 2018



     It has been yet another month. Time is slipping by faster and faster as I get older. It seems like, as the months pass, minutes and hours are robbed from my life leaving me with only the scraps to try and fill with the multitude of tasks I want to accomplish. This past month has…

  • The Writing Update – December 2017

    December has arrived, and I can come up for air. NaNoWriMo Victory! I just finished spending the month of November slinging out 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I’d attempted this twice already in the past, and failed both times. This time, I pushed through and crossed the 50k mark on the last…

  • Joe’s Writing Update – November

    It’s November! And that means it is time for NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Every year, on this month, writers from across the globe all make an attempt at writing their own 50,000 word novel. It’s insane.I’m going to be a bit of a rebel though. Instead of writing a novel,…