Tag: stephen king

  • A Return to the Dark Tower – Revisiting My Friends from the Ka-tet of Nineteen

    A Return to the Dark Tower – Revisiting My Friends from the Ka-tet of Nineteen

    I first read The Gunslinger way back in my college years. It was a strange experience. I’d yet to read any Stephen King at that point. I’d read Lord of the Rings a few times plus some classic science fiction (plus the stuff they force-fed us back in AP English, but I don’t count that).…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 4: The Mist

    Today I am sharing my thoughts on The Mist, a novella originally collected in his Skeleton Crew short story collection. If you haven't already, be sure to read the previous posts in this series. Part 1: Dark Tower: The Movie Part 2: The Gunslinger Part 3: The Talisman Summary From the back cover: It's a…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 3: The Talisman

    Be sure to check out the previous posts in this series: Part 1: The Movie Part 2: The Gunslinger Are you ready for the next installment of the Great Dark Tower Re-Read? Right here and now?! (The words echo across the vast plain before you and bounce back from the granite cliffs in the distance.…

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 2: The Gunslinger

    Part 1: The MovieI have fond memories of reading The Gunslinger way back in college. It was one of the first books I read for myself after a very long break from reading for my own enjoyment. AP English courses in high school had killed any interest I had in reading. There was too much…

  • Joe’s Photo of the Week – Murderous Glee

    It’s my favorite time of year: Halloween! And in honor of this stupendous holiday this week’s Photo of the Week is an older shot of mine called: Murderous Glee I figured that this image was appropriate given the new adaptation of Stephen King’s It in theaters. (I still need to go see that)

  • Dark Tower Re-Read – Part 1: The Movie

    Hello people and porpoises of all the world’s proliferated provinces.Today, I have something new for you. I’m going to write a movie review. But not just for any movie.I remember way back in high-school getting the first glimpse of behind the scenes footage of the brand new Lord of the Rings movie. This was a…