Shadows Chapter 2 Comes out Tomorrow on Patreon

It’s time for me to unleash the next chapter of my current horror novel in progress, Shadows Beneath Us, upon my Patrons. I hope you’re ready and have already signed up to be a Patron. It’s only $2 a month.

The Book

Shadows Beneath Us is about an heir to a large criminal organization who hears voices he thought he’d gotten rid of in the past, a little girl who just moved into a new town and is starting to see things in her shadow, and a family trying to escape captivity. But something deeper and more sinister is coming up through the shadows.

A Little Sample

Just in case you’re not yet convinced that you must absolutely read this novel here are a couple links to samples from the first two chapters:


I am using a tool called Patreon to publish the story as I go along to my Patrons. This is a system that allows people like you to support content that you like. This is an amazing system and is a good example of the rise in alternative publishing options. Therefore, help me cut out the middle man and get the story directly to you.So, become a Patron today and get access to the first 2 chapters first thing tomorrow morning.