January Writer Update

Happy New Year!

New Groups

Since last time I’ve joined a little writer group. Once or twice a week we get together and just write. It’s a wonderful group of fun writer folks, most of whom I met going to write-ins during NaNoWriMo.I’m thinking about trying out another local writer workshop group as well. I like the workshop group I already attend at the local independent book store, but this new one is more focused on genre fiction, and may be a better fit for me. Next month I’ll fill you in on how it went.Also, the workshop group I’m currently in is reading chapter 1 of my current horror novel in progress this month. I’m looking forward to getting some feedback from other local writerly types.


Yep, I still have a Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/jwdonleyAfter last month’s controversial fee debacle (you can read more on that here: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/13/patreon-will-not-change-its-fee-structure/) I still have my page. Before they announced that they were not going to go through with the fee changes I was on the verge of shutting my page down.So, if you’d like to support my writing, that is still the best way to do so. With a $2/month pledge you get a new chapter or short story emailed to you every month. The money I make from Patreon, after paying a couple artists I follow on Patreon, all goes towards paying the bills.

Current Projects

I’ve got a couple writing projects I’m tackling this month. The first is a short story. If you are a Patron of mine, you received a version of it in your email on January 1st. It’s about a book that knows what you want. There are also gardening of sheep-like plants and wolves involved. I want to get this story ready for submission to professional magazines.My other project is the horror novel I’ve been working on for years. I want to get the first draft done. Like all the way done. And I want to do this within the next few months. Last week I sat down and jotted down all of my ideas for scenes for the rest of the novel. I still think I’m missing major swathes of the story, but I have something to work from now. Wish me luck!

As always, thank you for reading my blog. Are there any writing projects you are currently working on? Do you need a little help or just need someone to bounce ideas off of? Feel free to contact me if so. I love talking to fellow writers.