The Update – April 2018

Another month, another update.

It's been awhile since my last post, I've not had as much time to create content for my site. Between work and trying to find time for writing projects I've had to neglect the blog. I've even shut down my Patreon for the month.

But I have not been idle.

Anthology Madness

I've yet to be published, but now I have not one, but two separate opportunities to get in anthologies.

The first is the Writer's Corner anthology, put together from the best writings from the multiple writing groups at Village Books, a local independent book store. I'm about halfway through a first draft for about a 4,000 word story. This story is set near the logging town of Forks, WA out on the Olympic Peninsula, and involves murder and retribution.

The second is an anthology some friends and I are working on. For this one I'm putting a ton of work into world and setting development, as I plan to use this new story universe for many short stories and possibly novellas and novels. All I'll say is it's a version of Earth with supernatural problems and a substantially higher sea level.

A New Group

In other news, I'm also in the process of starting a new fiction workshop group. I love the one I'm in over at Village Books, David does an amazing job of facilitating, but it has grown too large. At the last meeting there were 20 writers present. This is a lot of people for one group, even with 15 active submitting members each person is only getting read about once every two months.

And so, with David's blessing, I am working with the store owner to create a second 'official' fiction group. We're still working out the final details before we kick off the inaugural meeting.

So, as usual, there is an inordinate amount on my plate. Hopefully in the near future I will get things under control and begin to post more frequently. For now I will settle with posting when I am able. Be on the lookout in the coming months for info on a Patreon reboot.