Tag: anthology

  • Joe Reviews: Hellboy – An Assortment of Horrors

    I want to start this review by saying that I love reading Hellboy. I’m not a huge fan of super hero comics, but Hellboy gets a pass. I’ve been reading Hellboy on and off for about a decade and I’ve read most of the other spin off series as well.But enough about the comics. Let’s…

  • The Update: November 2018

    Happy NaNoWriMo! It has been a year since the last mad scramble to complete a full 50k word novel, and I’m giving it another go this year. I’m excited for the project I’m taking on, I’m going in with an outline in hopes of having something worth refining once crossing the finish line. This November…

  • The Update – September 2018

    Summer is coming to a close and the trees are already beginning to change color out here in the woodsy wilds of Northwest Washington State. Since my last update a few things have happened. The big news is (drum roll please) I made it into the Village Books Writer’s Corner anthology. It will come out…

  • The Update – April 2018

    Another month, another update. It’s been awhile since my last post, I’ve not had as much time to create content for my site. Between work and trying to find time for writing projects I’ve had to neglect the blog. I]ve even shut down my Patreon for the month. But I have not been idle.