The Update – August 2019



It is time for yet another edition of ‘The Update’! (Cue breaking news music)

The Reading

First let’s bring up my most recent open mic at the local indie bookstore. Most others who there read their poetry on local nature, memories, and literary fiction. My reading definitely stands out. I read my story involving cats with human faces stapled to their craniums, and it got the most reaction during and the most comments afterward I’d ever gotten from one of these readings. I do plan on continuing with the same story next month but I may have to edit out one scene due to excessive violence.

Current Projects

As usual I have a handful of different writing projects on my plate. I’m still moving forward on my new novel about crows and ghosts and such, I’m starting in on the first draft of chapter two. Also, I’m working on new edits of two previously complete stories: Cats of the Pacific Northwest and Gustav Floats. I’m hoping to get those done sometime this month so I can get them sent back out to paying markets in order to add to my rising pile of form rejections. I’m also working on another story for an anthology project a few friends and I are working on. Hopefully sometime in the near future I’ll have some more news on that front.

New Obsessions

I’ve also developed a new obsession that would be considered by most to be tacky and ‘hipster’. But I don’t really care. Yes, I’ve already had typewriters, and what other hipster writing implement could I possibly add to my arsenal of hipster writing implements?Why, that would be the Fountain Pen! I’ve had a couple cheap ones in the past, but I always tired of them and had piles of issues with leaks and dried ink before.This year, for my birthday, my family got me a decent fountain pen. It is a Lamy Safari, not the most pricey, but it is the nicest pen I’ve ever had. In the two weeks I’ve had it I’ve already burned through the blue ink cartridge that came installed and started in on some black ink used in a converter. I don’t care too much for the black ink, it’s a bit boring after using that awesome blue ink. The blue had varying shades of darkness as I wrote with it. earlier this evening I ordered a new ink that should be a lot more fun. It is a color called Antietam by Noodler’s Ink. It is more of a brown with hints of rust and gold, and the sample image shows some wonderful ‘shading’ on their company website.But that is enough about fountain pens for now. Maybe I’ll write a future post completely dedicated to fountain pens or typewriters or some other ‘hipster’ thing.

I think that is also all I will ramble on about this month. Hopefully I’ll have some more interesting news on the progression of my writing projects in another month’s time.