Help Me Write Stories!

Okay. So I want to write stories. I want people to read my stories. But for that to happen I actually have to sit down and write the stories. This is a ridiculously difficult thing to do. I’ve been working, on and off, for the past two years on a novel. Also, I’m finishing up a couple different short stories.This is what I need. I need a way to be held accountable and also a way to share these stories with others, to share these stories with you.

Enter Patreon

Patreon is a wonderful platform. It’s based after an old Medieval practice of families of power and money paying artists to produce their art for them. These medieval patrons gained prestige for seeking out the best artists for their personal court.Fast foward to now, and Patreon has found a way to put this same system into place. But in this case you don’t have to house and clothe me to help me produce my art. So, you only have to pay me the amount of a coffee each month. And when you become a paying patron I will give you one short story or one chapter from my novel every month. For only $3 a month you would be pressuring me (in a good way) to get my butt in the chair and write!And, once I finish a novel or write enough short stories for a collection, I will find someway to reward my loyal patrons. This may be a free digital copy of the text, or a steep discount on the physical copy. I may even toy with some other possible rewards. If you’re interested, please let me know what sort of things you would like.

What Sort of Stories?

What kind of stories should you expect from me? Well, if you like a nice and spooky story you’ll most likely like my writing. I tend to enjoy reading H. P. Lovecraft, Laird Barron, Shirley Jackson, Mark Z. Danielewski, etc. Consequently, I imagine that anything I write may be along the lines of those writers. So be sure to watch for the first chapter of my novel on August 1st. So, become a Patron, help to encourage my writing.


2 responses to “Help Me Write Stories!”

  1. When did you start using Patreon? I’m getting ready to launch mine and am properly shitting myself about the whole thing. Somehow it’s at least fifty times more terrifying than anything else I’ve ever done online, and I’m not even sure why.

    1. I’ve been trying to use it off and on for, I think, about a year, maybe a little longer. I tried it for photography in the past, but I figured it would be a good way to force myself to get some writing output done. I still haven’t been able to bring myself to record a video of myself though.