October Writing Update

Happy Halloween! You may not think it is Halloween, and you are mistaken. This is the month of Halloween. This whole month is for spooky, creepy, and scary things. This is the time of year when everyone watches their favorite horror movies through parted fingers. I love it.

Writing Update

But this isn’t a post about Halloween. (There will be a special post for that later in the month.) This is the first of my monthly writing updates.This month I am working on a rewrite of a short story I through together earlier this year. I sent it off to beta readers a few days ago. It is an awesome feeling the burden of progress for that project out of my hands, at least for a little while.I’m also still trucking along on my horror novel. Chapters 1 through 3 are officially posted and live on my Patreon, for my $2 and up Patrons. I’ll have chapter 4 revised and ready for you by the end of the month. I’m finishing up the first draft of chapter 8 as well. Here’s something exciting though: yesterday, while writing on my lunch break made it over 40,000 words! It has taken a long time to get to this point, but I do feel my pace quickening. Having paying folks waiting every month for the next chunk is definitely keeping my butt in the chair and hands on the keyboard.


If you are not part of the nerdy writer crowd on the internet, you probably didn’t know that next month is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short). Every year in November people across the world each crank out a 50,000 word novel. This is a meteoric feat to accomplish. I’ve tried it twice in the past, and both times have failed to meet the lofty goal. This year I’m giving it another go.This time, I’m not doing a novel though. I’m keeping it loose, and I’m going to write 50,000 words of short stories. I don’t know how many stories this will be. I figured I would just write each one until each is done then move on to the next. I’ve got a few different ideas jotted down.Which reminds me. I’ve got another idea to take note of.


I think that’s all for this month.  Stay tuned on the blog for Joe’s Photo of the Week every week as well as a new series detailing my adventure in re-reading Stephen King’s Dark Tower series all over again.Ta ta for now,Joe