Joe’s Writing Update – November

It’s November! And that means it is time for NaNoWriMo!


NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Every year, on this month, writers from across the globe all make an attempt at writing their own 50,000 word novel. It’s insane.I’m going to be a bit of a rebel though. Instead of writing a novel, I’m going to write 50,000 words worth of short stories.Here are the stories I have in mind:

  • ‘Hunting Club’ : A man becomes rich when he sells his condo in a town that once was dying but now is bustling. He uses the money to visit Ireland where he joins a secret hunting club. They own a large walled in area where members hunt a mysterious creature that takes the form of whatever the hunter desires to kill.
  • ‘The Pestering’: The last man on earth, known as the Miyagi man (he’s obsessed with the original Karate Kid movie), attempts to fend off the poking claws that rip through from another dimension. These claws have have already poked the rest of humanity to death.
  • ‘Rotweiler’: After getting his VHS player repaired, a man is confronted by a talking dog.
  • ‘Arsonist Soul Collector’: A college student, desperate for money responds to a strange online want ad.
  • ‘Travellers’: Two addicts discover that they can pass into another world through each other’s shadows. But they can only do this when high on their new drug of choice.

We’ll see how it goes. I’m hoping to come out of this with a set of rough drafts I can meld and hammer into polished stories.

Other Writing News

In other news, a few days ago I published chapter 4 of my horror novel on my Patreon. So, be sure to become a Patron today so you can catch up with the story.Once I get 10 Patrons I’ll make an embarrassing YouTube video of me talking about myself and my writing.You know you want to see me turn colors on camera.And, after I get 25 Patrons, I will start recording myself reading each month’s chapter or short story.(Psst! It’s only $2 a month. Tell your friends, Tell your family, Tell that guy who works at the sno-cone stand down the street.)I’m currently writing chapter 11 and quickly approaching the end of book 1 of, what will become, a trilogy. Anyone who has been a patron for at least 4 months, once I finish the book, will get a fancy ebook copy. If there’s demand, I’ll work out having physical prints made as well.


I think that’s all of the big writing news for this month.Until next time!Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,J. W. D.