The Update – September 2018

Summer is coming to a close and the trees are already beginning to change color out here in the woodsy wilds of Northwest Washington State. Since my last update a few things have happened. The big news is (drum roll please) I made it into the Village Books Writer’s Corner anthology. It will come out towards the end of the year and it will be my very first published fiction. I’m beyond excited and am ready to hold a physical book containing something I wrote.

Other good news: I’ve broken through my writers block. Having completely let go of my Camp Nanowrimo project (at least for now), my writer self has been free to work on another short story. I think it will be a short story, though it may grow into a novella; we’ll just see how it goes. For this project I’ve decided to try and hand write the first draft, and it seems to be going well. I’ve already finished the first two parts, and there are still another two parts to go. Part one has already been typed and presented to my writing group with unanticipated praise.

It feels awesome making progress on a creative endeavor again, yet I am still seeking a wy to earn a bit of extra money with these efforts. To help with this I’ve signed up for an evening class on editing which takes place next month. I’m already getting some practice for this in my writing group, why not make a little money on the side?

I’m also toying with some other ideas; like possibly resurrecting my Patreon account with a monthly short story and/or an editing service, or a new webzine covering weird fiction. Over the coming months I’ll continue developing these ideas and see where it takes me.

I know that I am still at the very beginning of my career as a writer, but I feel like I am making more and more progress with each little success. I just need to keep pushing and making weekly progress on my writing projects.

Stay tuned here to keep up with these projects.

Wish me luck!