Book Review: Experimental Film – by Gemma Files

I love a horror story with a nice slow burning, bone grinding plot. Some stories attempt this and utterly fail. But some do pull it off, the dread builds layer by layer drawing you deeper and deeper into the glorious bleakness.I just finished reading one such novel that accomplished this task of unstoppable yet addictive horror. It is called Experimental Film and was written by Gemma Files. I read this late into the night as each time I declared “this will be the last chapter before bed” I would have to turn the page to see what happened next.

The Story

The story follows Lois Cairns, a Canadian indie movie reviewer who used to teach at film school, as she tracks down a piece of lost film history. But were these lost films lost for a reason? Lois employs one of her best film school students, Safie Hewsen, to help her track further information down for a documentary. Lois must deal with her own embroiled life (her downward spiraling health, a hard to manage autistic son, and more) as she attempts to dig up the secrets of the lost female filmmaker’s past.

I highly recommend giving this book a read. Especially if you like books similar to House of Leaves or you enjoy well written weird fiction and/or supernatural horror. Finding a slow burn terrifying horror story with such emotional impact is an absolute treat.


2 responses to “Book Review: Experimental Film – by Gemma Files”

  1. […] though, this book was amazing. As I've said recently in my review of Gemma File's Experimental Film, I love good slow burn read. I regret taking so long to get to this title. It's recommended by […]

  2. I do ҝnow!? Said Larгy. ?I wager he likes angels asa result of һe hass them round all of the time. Maybe hе аnd the angels playhousehold games liқe wee do sometimes. Possibly they play Monopoly.?This made Mommy chuckle really harԁ.