Podcasts for Horror Readers and Writers

For this week’s blog post I thought that I would let you all in on a little secret. I’m going to share my favorite podcasts for horror readers and writers.

This is Horror

First up, we have This Is Horror. This is, by far, my absolute favorite podcast. I am a paying patron and highly recommend checking them out if you are a reader or writer. They do long form interviews with horror authors. It is always interesting getting an inside peek at who these folks, who write the most horrifying stories, really are. And, if you are a paying patron, they let you submit questions for future interviews and there is a private Discord where you can mingle and work with other listeners of the podcast. I’ve gotten some amazing help from fellow members.https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/podcasts/

The Outer Dark

Next we have The Outer Dark. This is a podcast with close ties to This Is Horror. But this one instead is a mix of interviews with writers and panel discussions. In these you get a real feeling for the overall community of Weird Fiction and Horror writers.https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/category/the-outer-dark/ 

The Horror Show with Brian Keene

This one is always a blast: The Horror Show with Brian Keene. This is another one great for interviews, but a large portion of each episode is spent on general industry news. If you want to get a feel for what is going on in the horror publishing industry, this is the place to start.https://projectentertainmentnetwork.com/shows/the-horror-show-with-brian-keene/