The Update – July 2019

It is time for The Update for July 2019!July is a big month for me. Not only do I turn 36 this month, but as of July 31st I will have been married to my smart and beautiful wife for 15 years! That is a very large percentage of the time I’ve been alive and I look forward to 15 more and than some. Melissa is awesome.In other news:

Submission Results!

Last month I mentioned I was working towards submitting one of my short stories. Well. I submitted it. Twice, in fact. Both times it was rejected within a couple days. But I’m not letting that get me down. Those were my very first rejections ever. I plan to collect a metric ton of them before giving up. I still haven’t heard back from my very first submission. That one has been out for well over a month at this point. But, for the one that has been rejected, I plan to do another pass of revisions on it before again sending it out into the world for hopeful paid acceptance somewhere. Eventually someone will pick it up.

A Wild Story Appears!

I’m also hard at work for next month’s Patreon story. Again, I had wanted it to be flash fiction, but it’s quickly growing out of hand and is risking becoming a novella instead. I’m okay with that though. I plan to release chapter 1 for $3+ patrons on August 12th. This one is about a haunted artist’s studio, crows, and cult activity. It should be awesome! So, if you would like to read the beginning next month, be sure to become a patron today! Go here –> (it’ll be fun, I promise)

Bicycles Make Me Tired

See what I did there? Tired, because bikes have… It’s almost funny. Come on!My 10 year old son has recently really gotten into riding his bike. It is awesome because it has helped him boost his confidence. Within the last month he’s gone from refusing to lift his butt from the seat to riding on big hills and turns at the local pump track. It’s definitely not healthy for mama’s anxiety. This all means that I should dust off my own bike in the shed, and I have done just that. I’m not up for hitting the track like my ambitious son, but he and I have gone for fairly long rides around our neighborhood every day for the past 4 days. I need to take a couple days off, since my legs are very sore and need to recover a bit. But, I figure if I keep this up for at least 4 days out of the week I could drop some weight and improve my own health. (I’m totally not in the best shape, just in case you didn’t know.)

I think that is all for this month’s Update. Until next time:Keep Reading Horror!-Joe P.S. What do you think of the sweet mushroom pic. I think I took that shot sometime late in 2017. The caps look like McDonald’s hamburger buns.