Joe’s Writing Tips: Writer’s Block and How I Destroyed It

I’ve seen some authors claim that writer’s block does not exist. I don’t buy it though. Not one bit.

Writer’s block is real and it sucks!

There are times when I feel like I’m in a groove. Then there are times when a blank screen stares me in the face, taunting me and my lack of word output.

My Solution

Last week during an online writing course (LitReactor) I was stuck on a writing assignment. I had to come up with 5 different openings for 5 different possible short stories. It was easy coming up with the first couple but, beyond that, I was completely frozen and the assignment was due that night. I did not have the option of having writer’s block.And so I resolved to find a way to break through.I opened up a word document, my ‘idea dump’ file I use for working through plot points and brainstorming story ideas, and started typing.At first I typed things like ‘I don’t know what to type’, ‘I need to get this assignment finished’, and ‘do we have any pizza left?’. But, as I continued to type nonsense, my brain started to loosen up and a pearl of an idea would form. I continued typing and it slowly developed into something with promise.I did this a few times to get all 5 story openings and I got it done on time.

So, next time you get writer’s block just open up a brainstorming document and start typing. At first your brain will spew gobbledygook onto the screen, but it will gradually transform into actionable ideas. Just allow your mind to roam free through everything tucked away in writer’s brain and let go.This is how I’ve been getting unstuck for the past couple weeks now when I sit down to write.What are your favorite ways to battle writer’s block? Let me know in the comments below!