Tag: readhorror

  • Five Stories Ya Gotta Read – June 2020

    This is the start of a brand-new series of blog posts. Each month I will share with you five stories that I’ve read recently that you should look into. ‘Wilderness’ by Letitia Trent from Exigencies ed. Richard Thomas Recently I took a course on contemporary dark fiction, and this is the first short story we…

  • 20 Short Stories That Inform and Influence My Fiction

    Occasionally, someone will ask me what stories and authors influence my writing. That is a difficult question. Really, everything a writer reads in some way influences our writing. It all pushes or pulls our work in some direction. When I read a story that doesn’t work for me, I learn that I should not attempt…

  • My Primer for Modern Horror Fiction

    All of the time the people say to me: ‘Joe. Your stories are crazy spooky. They’re the bees knees! What else should I check out? I need to know!’ And I always tell them: ‘Well, this and that. These and those. You should read more horror because romance blows.’ Or something like that. (P.S. I’m…