Tag: nathan ballingrud

  • Five Stories Ya Gotta Read – July 2020

    It’s time for another Five Stories Ya Gotta Read! ‘Rust and Bones’ by Craig Davidson from The New Black ed. Richard Thomas. This was my very first read of anything by Craig Davidson. It is the vivid story of a broken boxer’s life. You feel every bone crunching punch and the blood spray from head…

  • Joe’s Favorite Books of 2019

    Purposefully, I kept my reading goal lower this year. I wanted to focus on reading for quality instead of for quantity. That said, I hit my Goodreads goal of 50 books last week, as opposed to my goal of 75 for 2018. I would love to shoot for 100 books in a year, but I…

  • Joe Reviews: Wounds

    Okay. So, you need to read this. Please, if you are into horror you owe it to yourself to experience these stories. These collection sums up what is possible in the modern horror and weird fiction genres. This really among the best fiction I’ve ever read. I’ve not come across horror short fiction this engrossing…