New Website!

Hello Internet!It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything to my website. (By this point it seems like an internet cliche, but it’s true.) But recently the itch to create and put out content has been growing, and that, along with a major address change has spurred me to action.So, first big news is that I’ve moved back to the Pacific North West! My wife, son, and I really missed the weather up here. My wife loves the beaches, I love all of the beautiful landscape and hikes. The 20 degree temperature difference between here and back in Oklahoma is very nice as well.The other news is I’m going to start posting on here weekly.To shake things up a bit I’ve done a complete overhaul to my website and I’ve combined my photography website ( and my writing/blog site into one true source of total awesomeness.My first regular series is going to be the Pacific North West photo of the Week. Each week on Monday I will post a favorite image of my new surroundings for you to enjoy.I’m also planning on the occasional other photo posts, photography tutorials, and other random collections of my thoughts. (I welcome suggestions if there is any specific content you’d like to see.)This is not just going to be a home for my photography though. This will also be the home for updates in my adventures in writing. I’m still working out what sort of content I will be posting along those lines. I will keep you updated.I have one more big bit of news that I will share with you next time, so be sure to stay tuned…